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Center for Teaching and Learning - Zentrum für Hochschullehre (ZHL)

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For students

Student tutors take on a great task: They are allowed to design courses for their peers! This task bears a large responsibility for course participants, especially in regard to their exam results. Tutors are expected to recapitulate course contents, walk learners through exercises, encourage learners to further dive into subject matters, and detect whether learners have difficulties comprehending contents. 

We support tutors by providing them with a well-structured certificate program that teaches them how to deal with teaching in a competent way.

We want all tutors who deal with teaching to have access to suitable training in the area of higher education didactics. We have considered how best to achieve that. It is important to us that students can participate flexibly before lectures start, as well as use digital, asynchronous media during their training. At the same time, the course offer is supposed to create added value that simple literature research cannot provide. 

The contents cover conception of tutorials, designing communication, processing information, using digital platforms, and instructing students’ learning processes. We have devised the training program in collaboration with the Student Parliament for Student Tutors at the University of Bayreuth.

The certificate program contains 30 working units (WU) that take 45 minutes each. During the working units, students work on building essential competencies to successfully design tutorials. Seminars, self-learning courses and hospitation as well as higher education didactic reflection are also part of the program. 

Feel free to take a look at our flyer with an overview of all course offers for student tutors (WS 22/23).

Here you can find a table with an overview of course modules, as well as the respective number of work units. One work unit takes about 45 minutes.

Work Extent

Basic Courses

8 WU

In-depth Courses

5 WU *

Self-learning Courses

5 WU *

Peer Hospitation and Feedback

6 WU

Exchange Meeting

4 WU **

Reflection Report

6 WU


30 WU

Below you can find the seminar descriptions for the respective course modules

* can be booked separately
** optional offer

We follow the nationwide standards on qualification and higher education didactic certification of the Netzwerk Tutorienarbeit. 

Basic Course: Introduction into higher education didactics

The certificate program is based on this introductory course, which illustrates the importance of higher education didactics in teaching. Tutors are provided basic skills in order to navigate their tutorials with more assurance and planning.

  • Fundamentals of higher education didactics
  • Formulating Learning Outcomes
  • Planning events
  • Conflict management

Tutor: Paul Dölle (ZHL)

Date: 21.10.2022, 9-12:30 and 28.10.2022, 9-12:30

Cost: none

In-depth courses - various courses possible

You can find the courses in the seminar list on www.profilehreplus.de/seminare.

All course offers listed here can be visited for free by student tutors. Please let us know that you are a student tutor after you have booked a course, so we can take note. 

Versatile specialisation: Self-learning courses

Using learning programs available at any time, all teachers can learn about higher education didactics on their own time.

We provide three online self-learning courses that are available at any time. The topics are:

  • Introduction into online teaching: 5 scenarios for successful virtual events - online self learning course (Link on ProfiLehrePlus)
  • Accessible e-learning courses, ZOOm meetings, videos, PDF- and Word documents - online self-learning course (starting now)
  • Teaching and learning videos in teaching - online self-learning course (Link on ProfiLehrePlus)
  • Introduction to the video studio for production (in progress)
  • Rhetoric in front of the camera (in progress)

Contact person: Paul Dölle (ZHL)

Cost: none

Organisational information: Any student assistants and all teachers at UBT who are interested can take part in these courses!  

Peer Hospitation und Feedback

Constructive feedback on your own tutorials is always valuable. A structured feedback process is scheduled within the certificate program. During the process, tutors visit each other’s tutorials and give each other guided feedback. 

Both parties can grow from this feedback process, as giving feedback can be as challenging as receiving it.

Tutor: Dr. Kerstin Emmert

Date: 25.11.2022

Cost: None

Exchange Meetings

Participants of the certificate program can discuss their questions with Paul Dölle any time. At the same time, this meeting is meant to be a fixed date for everyone to attend.

Tutor: Paul Dölle (ZHL)

Date: 13.01.2023, 9-12.30

Cost: None

Reflection Report 

The certificate program ends with a written reflection report. In this report, tutors are given guide questions in order to encapsulate what experiences they have gained and which learning outcomes they have reached. This way, they can demonstrate which learning processes come with being a tutor. The report comprises three to five pages and approx. 2000 words. The deadline is arranged individually.

If you like, you can also publish your report in an electronic journal.

Tutor: Paul Dölle (ZHL)


All student assistants and teachers at the University of Bayreuth can participate in these courses for free and with no preconditions. You can register under profilehreplus.de.

Organisational Information:

The basic course as well as the in-depth courses can be taken individually, without committing to the certificate program. The certificate program takes place every semester. The course load can be spread across two semesters.

If you have any further questions, Paul Dölle (ZHL) will be happy to help you. 

Webmaster: Paul Dölle

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