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Center for Teaching and Learning - Zentrum für Hochschullehre (ZHL)

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Media and technology for teachers

In today's fast-paced and technologically advanced world, it is essential to constantly update and improve teaching methods. Our extensive range of digital and analogue teaching resources offers you the optimal support to revolutionise your teaching methods and enrich your students' learning experience. You can borrow the materials listed here for teaching at the University of Bayreuth. We are happy to support you in the use and production of materials!

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In order to show videos we use the services of third-party providers. These providers can collect data about your activities. Further details can be found under “Learn more”.

We offer a large variety of higher education didactic services for you to improve your unique teaching. All offers are for free. You can gain work units (WU) by making use of these offers. For more information, please contact us via phone or email.

Unser kleines Videostudio im Zapf-Gebäude ist so gestaltet, dass es ohne Vorwissen für die Aufzeichnung eigener Vorlesungsvideos genutzt werden kann. Wir bieten Ihnen mit diesem Studio die Möglichkeit, sich auf die didaktische Konzeption und Präsenta

Video studio for self-production

Our small video studio in the Zapf building is designed so that it can be used to record your own lecture videos without any prior knowledge. With this studio, we offer you the opportunity to concentrate on the didactic conception and presentation of the information; we provide all the technology! All presets, all configurations, all cables are already set up and waiting to be presented. All teachers and students at the University of Bayreuth can record high-quality videos here.
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Für mobile Videoproduktionen verleihen wir mehrere Sets. Mit der weitestgehend automatisch funktionierenden Kamera Sony VZ 1 samt Zubehör sprechen wir Lehrende und Studierende mit wenig Film-Vorerfahrung an. Das professionelle Set mit der Blackmagic

Video equipment hire

We lend out several sets for mobile video productions. With the Sony VZ 1 camera, which works largely automatically, including accessories, we appeal to teachers and students with little previous film experience. The professional set with the Blackmagic Pocket Cam 6K Pro enables even more complex productions. All service packages are modular and can be combined with each other.
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Für analoge Papier- und Stift-Moderationen bietet es sich an, Pinnwände, Flipchart und Moderationskoffer zu verwenden. Wir verleihen diese Materialien. Insgesamt haben wir sechs Pinnwände, drei Flipcharts und drei Moderationskoffer, die wir nach Verf

Borrowing moderation materials

For analogue paper and pen moderations, it is advisable to use pin boards, flip charts and moderation cases. We lend out these materials. We have a total of six pinboards, three flipcharts and three presentation cases, which we lend out subject to availability.
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Die vom ZHL entworfenen Abstimmkarten stellen ein Medium dar, das vielfältig einsetzbar ist. Damit können Sie Studierende aktiv in die Lehrveranstaltung einbinden. Die Karten dienen dazu, dass Sie von den Studierenden ‚Stellungnahmen‘ zu bestimmten T

Voting cards

The voting cards designed by ZHL are a medium that can be used in a variety of ways. You can use them to actively involve students in the course. The cards allow you to receive 'opinions' from students on specific topics. All lecturers can order the voting cards by sending an e-mail to zhl@uni-bayreuth.de.
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Unsere sorgfältig ausgewählte Kollektion digitaler Lehrtools konzentriert sich darauf, Studierende zum Mitmachen, Nachdenken und Kooperieren anzuregen. Diese Tools, deren DSGVO-Konformität wir direkt anzeigen, unterstützen interaktive und kreative Le

Digital teaching tools to encourage interaction and collaboration

Our carefully selected collection of digital teaching tools focuses on encouraging students to participate, reflect and collaborate. These tools, which we directly display as GDPR-compliant, support interactive and creative learning methods. They include platforms for discussion and teamwork, as well as gamification elements to increase motivation. Our aim is to provide teachers with tools that create a dynamic and collaborative learning environment to maximise student learning.
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Webmaster: Paul Dölle

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