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Center for Teaching and Learning - Zentrum für Hochschullehre (ZHL)

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Workshops on higher education

The Centre for Learning and Teaching in Higher Education (ZHL) offers a broad selection of different services, in order for you to improve your teaching, as well as to support innovation, projects and teaching exchange.


Our course offers are divided into the following categories:

  • General course offerOur general, interdisciplinary course offer is open to all teachers of all faculties. Most of these course offers are provided on a regular basis. You can enrol anytime at: www.profilehreplus.de/seminare
  • Subject-spevific course offer
    Subject-specific courses deal with topics and questions from one specific subject area. These kinds of seminars are developed in prior consultation with the course participants. All learners are welcome to introduce their own ideas and requests into the course offer, in order to insert them into the general seminar range. Alternatively, we offer internal seminars for specialist groups. In some cases the costs for speakers can be covered by the ZHL.
  • Additional formats dor further development
    Within our range of courses for further development, we also offer formats on exchange among teachers, short-input-formats like the Digital Didactic Shorties, as well as individual consultation on teaching, projects and funding.
  • Exclusive seminars for professors and post-doctoral lecturers
    In Seminars for professors and post-doctoral lecturers, speakers cover specific topics that are relevant, in particular to executives.
  • Exclusive seminars for newly employed professors
    Every semester we offer the seminar “Innovative teaching” for newly employed teachers. Throughout the course, we take a close look at your individual teaching, and plan on what your further development should look like.
  • Course offers for student tutors
    Student tutors can take part in the majority of our seminars. Every semester, we offer a structured certificate program, which provides students with an official certificate after completing 30 work units.
  • Course offers for e-tutors
    E-tutors are student assistants, who work with teachers on digital teaching and learning opportunities like Moodle sites, quizzes and videos. This means that students are provided a broader and enhanced learning offer in order to reach their learning goals. The ZHL offers a specialised training program for e-tutors. The program contains 24 work units, and supports students in their teaching. Many of the staff positions are funded, the vacancies are posted in the middle of each semester (May and November).

Target audience

Seeing as we cover a large variety of topics, we offer distinguished courses for..

  • Professors, habilitated and newly employed
  • Academic associates, post-docs and lecturers
  • Student tutors
  • Student e-tutors

The ZHL’s workshops and course offers are directed at all teachers at the University of Bayreuth. Most workshops can also be visited by teachers from other Bavarian universities or higher education institutions. Only members of the University of Bayreuth can participate at a discount price.

Under the “Dates” tab on our ZHL website you can find a list of all our courses. At the beginning of every semester we will send a printed version of our flyer to your chair.

You can enrol in all ProfiLehrePlus-courses here: www.profilehreplus.de


All workshops and seminars are divided into five different subject areas. Those areas reflect the respective fields of teaching, as well as the subject areas of Bavarian certificates for higher education teaching:

  • Section A: Teaching-Learning Concepts
  • Section B: Presentation and Communication
  • Section C: Examination
  • Section D: Reflection and Evaluation
  • Section E: Consulting and Supporting

This distribution of different areas is in line with the standards we have developed in collaboration with the committee “Netzwerk ProfiLehre”, which all Bavarian universities are part of, as well as the project “ProfiLehrePlus”. The contents follow nationwide certificates. 


  • You can register for the courses on www.profilehreplus.de by signing in for your course of choice. You will have to register once beforehand. To do so, please use your business email address. Please keep our participation conditions in mind.
  • Some courses require a fee. Please pay that fee on time. You will find all the information you need in the email, which we will send to you shortly after you have enrolled.
  • You are taking part in a seminar. We recommend you visit all seminar units, and actively participate in workshops.
  • By successfully completing seminars, you will gain work units (WU) which you can look into anytime on the enrollment platform “Mein ProfiLehrePlus”.
  • If you complete a certain amount of seminars from different areas, we can offer you a certificate for higher education teaching.
  • The general interdisciplinary course offer regularly takes place each semester. Every semester, new course contents are added. If you have special interests or topic requests, feel free to reach out to us at zhl@uni-bayreuth.de

Work units

By taking part in the ZHL’s courses, you will gain working units, which you can trade for an official higher education teaching certificate. You can learn more about that here.


If you find yourself unable to attend a seminar, up until 15 days beforehand you can unenrol yourself for free on www.profilehreplus.de under “Mein ProfiLehrePlus” → “offene Seminare”.  Until 14 days before the course, you have to state your cancellation in an email to zhl@uni-bayreuth.de. You may be reimbursed your seminar fees, if another course participant takes your place. In any case, please unenrol from the course on time if you know you will not be able to attend. 

Bavaria as a centre for further education

For over ten years, Bavarian universities have worked together in order to facilitate professionalisation for teaching in higher education. By cooperating, we seek to maintain, consolidate and advance an accessible, collective space for further education for Bavarian teachers from all career levels. The courses and services offered by Bavarian institutions for higher education didactics are available to all teachers within Bavaria. They are based on a joint system, enabling an easy crediting process. On www.profilehreplus.de, all member universities display their complete range of offers, which makes the platform a user-friendly central reference-point for all teachers who seek further education in teaching.

Please make use of our offers in Bayreuth and Bavaria!

Webmaster: Paul Dölle

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